The best travel tips

Only read three star reviews

Only relying on three-star reviews can save you from overpriced hotels that promise more than they can deliver. While five-star reviews can be biased, and one-star reviews can be overly negative, three-star reviews can offer a more balanced perspective on the pros and cons of a particular hotel.

Check local holidays

Checking local holidays before you travel can help you avoid crowds and closures. Many attractions, restaurants, and shops may be closed during holidays or have limited hours. By planning ahead, you can adjust your itinerary and avoid any unexpected closures or inconveniences.


Hang up and call again! If you encounter an issue that a customer service representative can't solve, don't give up. Hang up and try calling again to speak with a different representative. With persistence, you may be able to find an agent who can help you resolve your issue more effectively. This tip can save you time, frustration, and help you get the most out of your travel experience.


Layering your clothing can help you stay comfortable and prepared for any weather or temperature changes. Choose lightweight, breathable fabrics that can be easily layered, such as cotton, wool, or polyester. You can add or remove layers as needed and avoid overpacking bulky items.